
Monday, 4 January 2016

Christadelphians Learning From Science debunks an anti-evolution article

Elsewhere, I have commented on the website Christadelphian Answers, whose otherwise admirable focus of apologetics is hopelessly compromised by its factually inaccurate attacks on evolutionary biology. Regrettably, the website has continued its anti-evolution campaign with an article "The Case Against Common Descent" which makes many basic errors of fact and at times uncritically regurgitates opinions from young earth creationist and intelligence design sources. It is clear that the article has never been reviewed by competent, independent, impartial sources as the errors of fact are such that not even an undergraduate would make.

The Facebook page Christadelphians Learning From Science is currently critiquing its arguments. While this may appear akin to breaking a butterfly on a wheel, given the persistence of pseudoscientific views in our community, there is pedagogical benefit from such refutation. This page will be updated with each new installment.

A review of “The Case Against Common Descent” - Part 1: Comparative Morphology
A review of “The Case Against Common Descent” - Part 2: Embryology
A review of “The Case Against Common Descent” - Part 3: Molecular Biology
A review of “The Case Against Common Descent” - Part 4: The Genetic Code
A review of “The Case Against Common Descent” - Part 5: Human-chimpanzee similarity
A review of “The Case Against Common Descent” - Part 6: Evidence against common descent