
Friday, 14 November 2014

"The Wonder of the Universe: Hints of God in Our Fine-Tuned World" - new book by Karl Giberson

One book that should be on every Christadelphian bookshelf is The Language of Science and Faith: Straight Answers to Genuine Questions co-authored by medical geneticist and current National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins and physicist Karl Giberson. Collins and Giberson ably show why evolution is true, and that it is no threat to Christian faith. As an antidote to the mendacious nonsense from ICR, CMI, and AiG, not to mention the theologically and scientifically vacuous arguments advanced by home-grown Christadelphian YECs, it is medicine sorely needed in our community.

It turns out that Giberson has written a follow-up to this book, The Wonder of the Universe: Hints of God in Our Fine-Tuned World which focuses more on cosmology and physics, and as such can be seen as a logical extension of the first book. New Testament scholar James McGrath, in a brief, positive comment / review of both books makes the point that Evangelicals, rather than hide from the wonder of science, should embrace them:
What I would love to see is for Evangelicals to respond to these publications by putting themselves at the forefront of the campaign for science literacy in our society, even as Collins and Giberson have done. Instead of choosing to fight against well-established science, Evangelicals can and should choose to view the fascinating and awe-inspiring aspects of living organisms and of the wider universe not as attacks on Christianity but as information which, if nature is viewed as the handiwork of the Creator, can and must be integrated into our worldview. While this route can seem more challenging, it is worthwhile. The excitement that love of science can generate in those who encounter it has interesting parallels to the ways that Christian faith, lived out in a life of passion and service, impacts those around us. Giberson and Collins speak with contagious enthusiasm about the wonder of the universe, using the language of both science and faith. It is my hope that more and more Christians will read these books, and will find themselves informed in much-needed ways about science, and at the same time inspired to live lives of faith in a way that does not feel any need to dispute the scientific discoveries that ought to fill us with awe and wonder rather than fear.
While we are numerically small, meaning there is a limit to how effective we can be by doing the same, the public shredding of many Christadelphian anti-evolution public addresses means that for not a few, our name is linked with obscurantism and science denialism. It's time for that to change.