
The Evidence for Evolution

The evidence for the fact of evolution comes from many disciplines ranging from comparative anatomy to the biogeographical distribution of species. Over the years that I have been writing on the evolution-creation issue, I have written many articles outlining the evidence. Short of writing a (much needed) book for Christadelphians on the subject, collating these articles into an easy to navigate FAQ list will provide the interested reader with material which both outlines this evidence, and shows where and why the usual special creationist attacks on evolution fall apart.

Genetics and Comparative Genomics
Palaeontology and the Fossil Record

Outside Articles on Evolution

If you want to follow the evolution-creation debate, then it helps to understand the science behind it. BioLogos Fellow Dennis Venema, an evangelical Christian who is associate professor of biology at Trinity Western University in Langley, British Columbia. His multi-part series is designed to provide the non-specialist with a good understanding of the science of evolution:

Evolution as a Scientific Theory
How Darwin Developed His Theory
Artificial Selection and the Origins of the Domestic Dog
Natural Selection and the Human Lineage The Basis of Heritable Variation
From Variation to Speciation
Genomes as Ancient Texts
Incomplete Lineage Sorting
Homoplasy and Convergent Evolution
The Cambrian Diversification and Assembling Animal Body Plans
Assembling Vertebrate Body Plans
Evolution Basics: The Placental Revolution
Evolution Basics: From Primate to Human
Mitochondrial Eve and Y Chromosome Adam
How Language Evolution Helps Us Understand Human Evolution
Paleogenomics and the Tangled Web of Human Speciation
At The Frontiers of Evolution: Abiogenesis and Christian Apologetics
At The Frontiers of Evolution: Contingency vs. Convergence
Is Evolution a Purposeless Mechanism?
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Speaking the Truth in Love

Given the complete ignorance of the considerable fossil evidence for human evolution, a summary of this evidence is critical, if only to stop believers making fools of themselves when they talk about 'Nebraska Man' and 'Piltdown Man' as if the average palaeoanthropologist will slink away in embarrassment. Hardly. Evangelical Christian and physical anthropologist James Kidder provides an excellent summary of the evidence at BioLogos.

The Human Fossil Record
The Rise of Archaic Homo sapiens