Part 3 of my series covering recommended resources on religion and science for the Christadelphian looks at Christians in Science, which is a UK-based "international network of those concerned with the relationship between science and Christian faith, open to scientists, teachers, students and all those with an interest in this dialogue." It covers similar territory to the American Scientific Affiliation, but given the considerable territory covered by the religion / science interface, it is hardly redundant, and fully deserves its place in any top five list of resources for the Christadelphian wanting something of more substance than what our community provides on this subject.
The aims of Christians in Science are unsurprisingly quite broad:
Science and Faith
To develop and promote biblical Christian views on the nature, scope and limitations of science, and on the changing interactions between science and faith.
To bring biblical Christian thought on scientific issues into the public arena.
Faith at Work
To encourage Christians who are engaged in scientific work to maintain an active faith and to apply it in their professional lives.
To communicate the Christian gospel within the scientific community.
Faith and the Environment
To stimulate responsible Christian attitudes and action towards care for the environment.
To help Christians who are science students to integrate their religious beliefs and their scientific studies.
Given the antipathetic relationship that often exists between Christianity and environmentalism, the positive stance CiS takes towards the environment is definitely welcome. So too is their proactive stance in helping students maintain their faith during their scientific studies. Given the fundamentalist indoctrination that too many Christians (particularly in our community) are forced to endure, the transition from high school to university education too often presents them with the evidence for evolution and an ancient Earth that their faith tradition claimed did not exist. While fourth on their list, it is most definitely not the least.
Its resources cover both academic and lay audiences, with the latter well covered by their well-received Thinking About... series, covering not just evolution and creation, but cosmology, bioethics, exegesis, and theodicy:
- Big Bang
- Bioethics
- Creation Care
- Evolution
- Fine Tuning
- Genetic Modification
- Historical Reception of Evolution
- Human Enhancement
- How We Interpret Genesis
- Miracles
- Natural Disasters
- Neuroscience
- Science and Apologetics
- Science as Christian vocation
- Stem Cells
Archives of their quarterly newsletter PréCiS can be found here, while their academic journal Science and Christian Belief can be found here. Non-subscribers can access everything up until five years before the current issue.
CiS maintains an archive of more academic resources covering the following areas:
- Creation
- Education
- Environment
- Ethics
- General Science & Faith
- Higgs Boson
- Interviews
- Science & Atheism
- Students
- Suffering
- The Universe
The scope of these resources can be seen with those covering creation:
- “Thinking About…Evolution” by Denis Alexander
- “Thinking About…How we interpret Genesis” by Ernest Lucas
- How are Christianity and Evolution compatible? Denis Alexander, posted on the Big Questions Online blog.
- A Response to Should Christians Embrace Evolution ‘Denis Alexander, author of Creation or Evolution – Do We Have to Choose? [Oxford: Monarch 2008] writes a response to the authors of Should Creations Embrace Evolution? [Leicester: IVP, 2009] which was written as a critique of Creation or Evolution – Do We Have to Choose?.
- A Critique of Intelligent Design by Denis Alexander. Posted by permission of the publishers. This is Chapter 8 from ‘Darwinism and Natural Theology: Evolving Perspectives’. Edited by Andrew Robinson. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012.
- Making your mind up about the HOW of creation by Ruth Bancewicz. Text only version here
- Is Evolution Atheistic? by Dr Denis Alexander.
- Intelligent Design Theory. New hypothesis or old idea in a new guise? (pdf) by Prof. John Bryant, published in the Biochemist magazine.
- Does Evolution Have any Religious Significance? (pdf) by Dr Denis Alexander.
- Genesis and Creation (pdf) by Prof Robert S White.
- Cosmic Purpose and the Contingency of Human Evolution (pdf) by Prof Ernan McMullin.
- Can a Christian believe in evolution? by Dr Denis Alexander.
- Creation and Intelligent Design: A New Testament Perspective by Dr Hugh Reynolds
- Is Intelligent Design Biblical? (pdf) by Dr Denis Alexander. A shorter version (html) was published in Evangelicals Now.
- Sermon on Genesis 1 (pdf) by Prof Robert S White.
- Why Are Christians Passionate Darwinians? (pdf) by Dr Denis-Alexander.
For those Christadelphians searching for something credible, authoritative, and reliable, and who are disappointed with the material offered by the traditional print magazines, CiS is highly recommended.